I’m with the DJ | 2.27.23

Church friends and families,

As we wade into this season of Lent together. I’m particularly grateful for our friends at Sanctified Art. Their artists and theologians do a masterful job curating this Lenten season so we may experience the Holy Spirit. If you haven’t picked up the daily devotion we are offering, please drop by the church office or email Sharon office@fwumc.org

I want to encourage you to join me in these daily devotions so we may focus our time and energies on the activity of the Holy one. This Sunday, we will dive deeper into the second week of Lent by studying John 3:1-7. For bonus points, read Genesis 12:1-4a as well. Both texts speak to the heart of our calling to seek in this sacred season. This Thursday, we will also continue our Lenten Soup Suppers at church at 6pm.

I’m including some poetry from our friends at Sanctified Art. It’s a lovely reading that’s worth reading aloud.


seeking: How do we begin again?

how do we begin again?

Do we slide into something new?

Do we make a formal announcement? Dearest reader,

I have decided to begin again. Do we turn gradually, a gentle yield in a new direction; or like a wave,

do we crash onto the shore of a new day?

Do we grieve the change? Are there breadcrumbs on the path? Will Nicodemus be there?

Will it ever be easy?

I’m not sure exactly how we begin again,

but I know that moths wrap themselves in silk,

and after quite some time,

after many long nights,

after days spent alone,

they break out of their shell.

They pull themselves out under open sky,

and they spend the rest of their days chasing the light.

Maybe it’s always that way with beginnings.

Maybe it feels like the protective layer falling away.

Maybe we have to go it alone at first.

Maybe it feels like pulling and dragging yourself into something new. Maybe there’s always open sky at the other end.

I’m with the DJ | 2.22.23

Come join us for the start of Lent as it begins tonight during our Ash Wednesday service at 7pm. Our series this Lenten season is entitled “Seeking”. We will begin tonight with the imposition of Ashes. We will continue worship this Sunday by studying Matthew 4.

I'm with the DJ | 2.9.23

Church friends and families,

It was great to see you online and in person this past Sunday. We started a three week worship series last week entitled “This too shall pass”. This week we continue our study on Jesus Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 5. I encourage you all to spend time reading the whole chapter aloud in one sitting. It’s a great way to get a sense of the movement of Jesus teachings.

I also mentioned a project that I’d like to invite each of your to participate in. I’m calling it the “Joy Project”. The concept is simple, I’ll ask you three questions, record our conversation and turn them into both a podcast and add them in these posts as well. If you are interested in a 20 minute conversation, I think us listening to one another is a great way to learn more about one another and how the Holy Spirit is moving within our community. Please let me now if you are interested and we can figure out a time that works for us both.

  1. Where are you investing your charitable energy and resources today

  2. Who or what are you reading, watching or listening to something interesting?

  3. What’s bringing you joy?

I'm with the DJ | 2.1.23

Hello church friends and families,

I’m looking forward to seeing you all this Sunday at worship. As always, we will be sharing worship both in person and online. During our service, we will celebrate the sacrament of communion. If you are planning on worshipping online and in need of communion elements, please contact the church office and we can provide some for you. You are also welcome to provide sacred elements to you. I’ve shared this before, but in the Samoan culture, I had a pastor use coconut milk and the meat as elements. Whatever items you choose, I pray that you join us for a time of gathering and worship together.

We will begin a brief 3-week series entitled “This too shall pass”. We begin with Matthew 5:13-20 this Sunday. I’d love for you to share your response to the question “what do you like to add salt to for flavor”? You can message me, respond in the comments below or by using our online poll here.

See you all in worship soon!

Pastor DJ

I’m with the DJ | 12.14.22

“Earlier in November, while serving as a Western Jurisdictional Delegate in Salt Lake City, Utah I experienced a significant health setback. Despite my best efforts, I am at a place in my life that I do not want to be. With the guidance and support of District Superintendent Reverend Derek Nakano, as well as Federal Way UMC leadership, I will be taking planned short term incapacity leave for the months of January and July. Since I’m regularly taking infusions, my goal is to sync this prepared leave with infusions so that I can serve long term. I plan to return to serving our church in February.”

Read More

I’m with the DJ | 12.7.22

Grace and peace to you this Advent season,

This week, we move into our third week of Advent. If you want to catch up on the first two weeks of worship, you can find them on our Youtube page. This is a season of preparation, anticipation and waiting for the birth of Jesus. The curriculum we are using this year is used with permission from the fine folks at Sanctified Art. Our theme this year is Generation to Generation. I hope you remember that we are providing an Advent online devotional can be found here. We also have printed devotional books lets available in the church office.

This Sunday, we will be taking a closer look at the life of Joseph. In preparation for worship, I want to encourage you to list all of the things you know about Jesus earthly father. If you want a refresher, please feel free to fill out our online poll. We will share the results during worship.

During worship, we have been sharing a few ways that you can join us in being generous to our community. Please take the time to stay after church or come early to learn about the many ways we can support those who could use a little extra support this season. We also recognize that this season can be especially a challenge for those grieving among us. It’s been about a year since my fathers death and I still grieve our loss. If you would like to join us for a special service on December 20th, we will hold a Longest Night service at our church at 6:30pm. That night is literally the longest night of the calendar year. Liturgically, we acknowledge the darkness of the evening and also remember that every night for the next year, the night will yield to the light. Though hope comes in the morning, it can be healthy to acknowledge moments of darkness.

Something I want to make sure you know is what’s happening on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. We are intentionally creating space for December 25th and January 1st in order to provide a healthy break for our staff and incredible volunteers that come early and stay late each Sunday morning (and more). I pray that you join us online for worship these sacred Sundays. You can join us here.

Next week will be my last weekly post for 2022. I have a couple special announcements to share and I hope you get a chance to read it.

Peace be with you,

Pastor DJ

I'm with the DJ | Park on gravel parking lot

Hello friends and family of Federal Way UMC, 

I pray that you and your loved ones are staying safe and warm. Our church paved parking lot has ice over it. While we will still provide in person and online worship tomorrow morning at 10am. If you decide to join us for in person worship, we recommend that you  park on the gravel parking lot only. Another option is that you can also get dropped off at our entranced, we have great volunteers shoveling our entrance as I type this message. As always, we will provide YouTube live worship. You can join us online for live worship tomorrow morning by using this link shorturl.at/bsDH7. To stay up to date regarding Sunday morning worship services and changing weather conditions, we will keep our church webpage up to date as well as send an email out like this. 

Peace be with you and stay safe,

Pastor DJ and the leadership of Federal Way UMC

I'm with the DJ | 11.23.22

Hello church friends,

This Sunday marks the beginning of Advent. This is a season of preparation, anticipation and waiting for the birth of Jesus. The curriculum we are using this year is used with permission from the fine folks at Sanctified Art. Our theme this year is Generation to Generation. We begin this Sunday by studying Matthew 1:1-17 and Isaiah 2:1-5. We will also be providing an online devotional. Advent online devotional can be found here. We will also have printed devotional books lets available in the church office. Each week, I’ll share some of the artwork that was created by Sanctified Art along with their artist statements. You can find them below.

Our Christmas Eve service will be live and online starting at 7pm. Christmas Day is a Sunday this year and we will be sharing a pre-recorded online only service sharing our Christmas pageant. Please note that December 25th and January 1st will be online only. We will provide an online service for January 1st in order to provide our church staff, leaders, and volunteers a chance to rest, recuperate and spend time with loved ones.

Artist Statement:

genealogy of christ

by Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman

Inspired by Matthew 1:1-17 | Digital painting

“While creating this image, I spent a lot of time with the women mentioned in Jesus’ genealogy because I had a resounding echo of shame in my body that I had received from engaging with these narratives in my childhood. Their stories held a heaviness of judgment. In my experience, it seemed the primary function of recounting their lives was to show how broken and sinful they were, and how, despite their brokenness, God was merciful enough to usethem.TheshameIfeltwasalsopersonal;alongtheway,Ihadinternalized the message that as a woman, this was my potential for being a part of God’s

story too. I had been handed some harmful, one-dimensional labels that immediately surfaced when I read their names, such as “harlot,” “prostitute,” “seductress,” and “adulterer,” just to name a few. Their importance was not found in the context and particularity of their narratives; instead, they were viewed as rough, oddly-shaped pieces to the puzzle of Jesus’ lineage. I had to do some work to unbind myself from the limitations my church had placed on these stories, and I tried to visit these women with a fresh mind and an open heart. What I realized was that these women—despite the loathsome, corrupt systems they were in—found a way to claim their voice and found enough power to survive.

I was inspired by the composition and movement of the From Generation to Generation... logo. In this image, I chose to represent Christ using a rose at the center of the composition. The women mentioned in the genealogy are imaged as foundational leaves building and upholding Christ. All of the women are looking at the viewer and holding objects to represent the fact that they took their life and survival into their own hands. They were catalysts who propelled the lineage forward.In the bottom left,Tamar holds her father-in-law’s insignia,which represents how she assumes his role as the leader of the tribe of Judah and continues its lineage.1 Moving counterclockwise, Rahab holds the red cord which she lowered to ensure the safety of her family after supplying Israelite spies enough information to achieve victory in Jericho. Next, Ruth holds the wheat that she gleaned from the field. She knows that she must marry again in order to be protected, and so she takes initiative with Boaz.

Bathesheba’s name isn’t even mentioned in Christ’s genealogy; she is referred to as the “wife of Uriah.” She withstands abuse from King David,survives the murder of her husband,and ensures that her son Solomon takes the throne. She takes matters into her own hands, becoming, as scholar Dr. Wil Gafney writes, “the queen mother of the united monarchy of Israel.”2 Finally,there is Mary who looks adoringly at the rose which represents her son.Here she holds the love and pride of a beautiful lineage that leads to the birth of her son, the Messiah.

These women only wanted to ensure safety for themselves and for their children; in the process they ensured the continuation of the lineage of Christ. Without their brilliance, passion, ingenuity, resourcefulness, creativity, and sacrifice, the lineage would have ended.”

—Lauren Wright Pittman

I'm with the DJ | 11.16.22

Grace and Peace to you all,

I pray that as you are reading this weekly post, that you are staying safe and warm.

Our church council is now finalizing our projected church budget for 2023. Starting this Sunday, you will see more detailed information regarding how many commitment cards we have received and how much is needed to balance our projected budget. If you haven’t done so, please click here to fill out your online giving form for 2023.

Did you know that each week, our church supports 16 families by providing backpacks full of food to help persons in need. If you would like to support this important ministry please contact our local outreach ministries chair Michelle T. md.thompson@earthlink.net.

As we prepare for worship this Sunday, I’d love to know what are some of the things that you are thankful for?

I’m with the DJ | 11.9.22

All of the following quotes is used from the Western Jurisdiction UMC website.

Church family and friends,

I have recently returned from Salt Lake City, Utah. There 99 other delegates and I prayed, discussed and worked very hard to elect 3 new Bishops for the Western Jursidiction. Beginning January 1, 2023 we our new Bishop will begin his service for the Greater Northwest area. Our conference covers all of Washington, Oregon, parts of Idaho and Alaska. I’ve had the privilege of knowing our Bishop for many years and experience him as a man of faith, integrity and excellence.

Bishop Cedrick Bridgeforth is the first openly gay man to serve in the episcopal role. According to the Western Jurisdiction UMC “ He has been a local church pastor, district superintendent, professor and is an established author with the recent book “Alabama Grandson: A Black, Gay Minister’s Passage out of Hiding.” You can learn a lot more by clicking this link.

Bishop Carlo Rapanut has been elected from our conference. “Rapanut is the first Filipino-American to serve as a United Methodist bishop in the United States. He is also the first bishop ordained in a central conference who will serve in the U.S.” Bishop Dottie Escobedo-Frank is the final bishop we elected. You can learn a lot more by clicking this link.

This Sunday, I plan on sharing my personal experience as a voting delegate as we worship together. I look forward to seeing you in person or online!
