I'm with the DJ | 2.9.23

Church friends and families,

It was great to see you online and in person this past Sunday. We started a three week worship series last week entitled “This too shall pass”. This week we continue our study on Jesus Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 5. I encourage you all to spend time reading the whole chapter aloud in one sitting. It’s a great way to get a sense of the movement of Jesus teachings.

I also mentioned a project that I’d like to invite each of your to participate in. I’m calling it the “Joy Project”. The concept is simple, I’ll ask you three questions, record our conversation and turn them into both a podcast and add them in these posts as well. If you are interested in a 20 minute conversation, I think us listening to one another is a great way to learn more about one another and how the Holy Spirit is moving within our community. Please let me now if you are interested and we can figure out a time that works for us both.

  1. Where are you investing your charitable energy and resources today

  2. Who or what are you reading, watching or listening to something interesting?

  3. What’s bringing you joy?