E-Note from Pastor DJ

Church family and friends, 

What a gift we have in one another and what a blessing it is to serve Jesus. It’s a joy to be able to worship with you online. If you want to watch our last service or any of our previous services, please check out fwumc.org and click online worship. There you can find all of our previous services. 

By my count, we are well past 100 days of Covid-19 quarantine in our area. It’s been a long time since we have been together as a whole body in person. Our church council leadership is in the early process of planning our phases of reopening. One of our primary objectives is to do no harm. We will be working hard to listen to King County’s guidance, Bishop Elaine’s communications and the leadership of our church council. Once we have a clear plan of reopening in incremental phases, we will communicate through our community groups, webpage, email and through social media.

This past Sunday, we had the gift of many different singers and worship leaders. At our church, we have a camera, microphone and tripod available if you are interested in reading scripture, leading worship or another way of participating in worship. Simply contact our church office admin Sharon Wisenburg (sharonatchurch@gmail.com) and she will connect you with the right person to record at our church. We ask that videos be recorded on our church camera and organized through Sharon so that we all may provide the best possible worship service we can. 

Something that has recently happened is Juneteenth. This is an important day in our Country’s history. To learn more about Juneteenth, I suggest you check out the United Methodist Church’s post here - https://www.umcjustice.org/news-and-stories/church-and-society-observes-juneteenth-as-a-holiday-1060.

"I hope you join me in celebrating our interim Music Director’s first month of leading worship Janine Dodd. She’s doing a fantastic job and we are so grateful for her leadership. As promised, at the 60 day mark of the interim music director position, we will be posting the job description and holding interviews for this position. Initially, our hope was to interview in person, I’ll be in communication with our Staff Parish team to decide how best to move forward on this important position. If you have any questions about this process, please contact Sandy Shinbo (Sandyshinbo@comcast.net) or myself. "

It’s a joy to worship with you church. It’s an honor to serve alongside you. Let’s continue to hold one another in grace. Practice generosity. Honor others and seek to be patient with one another and ourselves. 

Peace be with you, 

Pastor DJ