I’m with the DJ | 10.14.21

Friends and families of Federal Way UMC, 

Do you remember the heavy rain we got this past weekend? I absolutely love thunder storms. Heavy rain, lightening and the boom of thunder remind me of living in New Jersey when I was in Seminary. It’s so rare to have such a downpour here in the Pacific Northwest, that I’m often not ready to get ready for it. 

This Sunday, we will be adding in-person worship. Thanks to the hard work of our reopening team, aptly named the Jeremiah 29 team. Many of our staff and volunteers have been working hard to provide a safe space where we can worship together. We ask that you please pre-register for worship. That way we can know how many people to expect and prepare for physical distancing. In addition, vaccination proof will be required. You are welcome to send a copy through the registration process, or you can bring a copy to be physically scene on Sunday. You only need to show your vax card once. During our time together, we ask that everyone wear their masks at all times. Please remember that we will continue to offer live-streaming worship through our church Youtube account. 

We are also beginning to plan for our 2022 budget as a church. Will you please consider how you and your loved ones can support the many ministries of your church by your prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness? You can fill out a digital pledge card online or fill one out at church and leave it in the offering box. We would humbly ask that you fill out your card for 2022 no later than October 31st. 

I’m leading an online study of Bishop Ruben Job’s book “Three Simple Rules” for the next couple of Tuesday nights from 6-7pm. If you are interested in joining us, please fill out this form. You can also register and watch the recording at your leisure.

I look forward to seeing you all soon!

Peace be with you, 

Pastor DJ

I’m with the DJ | 10.5.21

Friends and families of Federal Way UMC,

On October 17 we are adding in person worship to our services every Sunday morning at 10 AM. We are able to do this because so many of you have done such a great job caring for our neighbors and community. On our website fwumc.org you can pre-register to join us for in person worship, it’s important to pre-register because space will be limited so we can keep physical distance. During our worship services and whenever we gather, masks will be required. According to kingcounty.gov, vaccine records will  be required and provided. When you pre-register online you can add a copy of your vaccine record. Here is the link to pre-register for the immediate Sunday. 

On the same website you can also find a sign-up sheet for a new book study I’ll be leading starting on Tuesday nights from 6 to 7 PM via zoom. If you can’t make it to those studies as we read and learn more about Bishop Rubin jobs book 3 simple rules you can still register and get a copy of the recordings to watch at your own leisure.

Here at our church we’ve been working hard to update our website and I want to make sure you know that our calendar is up-to-date with meetings and information for teams in our community. If your small group would like to meet at our church, please email our Administrator Sharon office@fwumc.org for scheduling.

Something I’d love for you to do is to record yourself and/or with your loved ones reciting are welcome statement which is also on the front page of our website will be working on a project that shows all the people connected to our church reading a welcome for everyone please take the time to do so or you can record it with me after church starting October 17.

We are a welcoming community that seeks to grow in love 

for God and our neighbor as we walk in faith and reach out in love. 

We celebrate God's acceptance of all people, 

and affirm that all are made in the image of God. 

We welcome the full participation in our church of everyone, 

without regard to race, ethnicity, national origin, 

sexual orientation, gender identity, age, religion, education, 

marital circumstances, physical and mental abilities, and economic status. 

We passionately believe that God has given all people 

gifts to use for building a world of mercy, justice, and peace.

I’m with the DJ | 9.8.21

Family and Friends of Federal Way UMC,

This past Sunday we tried something new, we offered an online and outdoor service. We learned a lot and are excited to offer the next outdoor and online service on October 3rd. Our goal is to livestream through both Facebook and our YouTube channel. I hope you take the time to join us as we seek to Walk in Faith and Reach out in Love.

With so many students, teachers and administrators going back to school, let’s hold one another in prayer during this important season. While we are praying, please continue to pray for first responders who continue to care for the sick and needy in this pandemic. In just a few days it’ll be Sept. 11th, our world has shifted and changed a lot since then. That was the day I had a plane ticket to fly to Princeton, New Jersey to start seminary at Princeton Theological Seminary. Instead, a good friend and I jumped in my little Nissan Sentra and drove over 3k miles across the country together.

We will continue our sermon series on John Wesleys Three Simple Rules. The focus this week is Do Good. As we prepare for worship this Sunday, I’d love to know from you… What memory or experience do you have of someone doing good?

Peace be with you,

Pastor DJ


I’m with the DJ | 9.2.2021

For many of us parents and guardians, this is a special day because our children return to school.  We also have many teachers and administrators who attend our church too. This morning I was praying for safety for all our people. Will you join me as we lift up our community in this time?

This Sunday, Sept. 5th, we are going to have a special outdoor service at 10am. We will still stream our service through YouTube. This is a chance for us to safely gather at our church while maintaining physical distancing. The service should be about 45 minutes long and we want to leave some extra time for folks to catch up and make new friends as well. 

During this time, we will also be giving away free luggage tags and have a blessing over the tags. Your student can put them on their backpack, lunch bag or anywhere else they like as a reminder that they are loved. If you can’t join us in person, please contact our office to pick one up.

We will begin our new sermon series “Three Simple Rules” by Bishop Ruben Job as well. Using Deuteronomy 20:1-20 as our guide, we will explore the first rule to “Do No Harm”. As you prepare for worship this week, try to consider these questions. 

  1. What do the 10 commandments mean to you?

  2. How do they affect your everyday life?

  3. What are some ways that you do harm?

  4. How is God calling you this week?

Peace be with you church!

Pastor DJ


I’m with the DJ | 8.25.21

Friends and family of Federal Way UMC, 

In the past week, many of the conversations I’ve had with people in our community focuses on the effects and deaths of people who have Covid-19. One of our sister churches, Browns Point UMC has very recently shifted to all pre-recorded worship. Our re-opening team, Jeremiah 29, continues to meet regularly debating, discussing and praying over the ways we can help people connect with God in safe ways. I really wish that I could write to you and tell you exactly when we will add in person worship. More importantly, I pray for wisdom to know how to guide our church and serve our community well. If you want to know more about our plan for adding in person worship, please click here.

Something exciting that we will be trying will be the first Sunday in September. On September 5th, we will continue to livestream our worship service at 10am. In addition, we are trying something new to kick off our Fall ministries. For this special Sunday, we will provide an outdoor, physically distant time of worship and gathering. Please bring your own chairs and I recommend that you wear masks as well. You are also welcome to provide your own sacred communion elements, we will provide pre-packaged communion elements as well. 

The service will last no longer than 45 minutes and we hope that you stick around to connect with our community as well. If you are high risk, unvaccinated or would rather worship with us online, please use our regular YouTube account to connect with us. 

In other news, founding members of our church Tom and Jan Crews will be moving full time to Arizona very soon. The Crews have been integral church members, disciples and servant leaders of our church for a long time. In the coming months, please know that we will be providing a time of formal blessing and gathering to celebrate their time with our church family. I hope you join me in thanking them and praying for their safe travels. 

Pastor DJ

I’m with the DJ | 8.20.21

I went to church this week to record parts of the service for this Sunday. After all this time, I still come to our sanctuary and imagine all our seats filled with familiar faces. In addition to familiar faces, I like to imagine new people walking through our doors seeking community and an encounter with the Holy Spirit. As your pastor, Sunday mornings are one of the highlights of my week. While it’s a highlight, if we reserved all our church to Sundays, we limit all the amazing things God is doing all the other days of the week.

Since the start of the pandemic, my understanding and expectation for worship continues to be reshaped and challenged. After talking with many of you, it’s clear that we are all in uncharted territory. Over the course of history, worship has evolved and shifted as the world changes.

There was once a time when the majority of people were not literate and the people sang songs to teach theology. Stain glassed windows were a visual reminding the people the stories of the Bible. As a parent of middle school children, the church I knew growing up isn’t the church I recognize today. There is a future and a hope for the current and next generation of followers of Jesus.

Now is a great time for us as a community to dig deep, reflect and pray for God’s guidance. There are aspects of our church that are essential to who we are as a faith community. In addition, there are also opportunities for us to learn, grow and share God’s love. While the Covid-19 Delta variant continues, will you join me in praying for courage and wisdom as we seek to be faithful together?

Grace and Peace,

Pastor DJ

I’m with the DJ | 8.4.21

Hello everyone, 

I pray that you and your loved ones are doing well. It’s nice to have sunny weather, that’s a bit cooler. This week, we participated in “National Night Out”. Our mayor dropped by along with police officers and firefighters. To learn more about National Night Out, check this out,


Here’s a quick video I took of one of the firefighters reaching for a basketball rim. They were all very kind.

If you haven’t participated in an event like this where you get to meet your neighbors and local hero’s, I’d encourage you to do so. 

I’m including a link below of a resource for mental health awareness. Please feel free to share these resources and take a look for yourself. 


Peace be with you!

Pastor DJ

I'm with the DJ | 7.28.21

Church family and friends, 

I pray that you and your loved ones are doing well. For those with students living in their house, we are in full summer mode. My kids are enjoying fishing, tennis and riding bikes. Similar to last summer, this is a season of sun, joy and anticipation. For many of us, we are holding our breath to re-launch in person worship at our church. Recently, we’ve surveyed people connected to our church and I’m excited to share some of the results with you over the next several weeks. One question we asked was, “what are you looking forward to when we re-launch in person worship?” Here is a word cloud of your responses. The larger the word, the more people clicked the same response. 


Something we are learning from you and our community is that providing more opportunities to gather together in safe socially distant ways is one of our key priorities. Our leadership group, Church Council has appointed a smaller group to focus on re-launching in person worship. Our team is based off of Jeremiah 29:11-12.

"11 For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. 12 Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you.” (New Revised Standard Version)

If you have any questions or feedback please email federalwayumc@gmail.com. Here is a list of our team members…

Pastor DJ

Sandy S.

Janine D.

Ann M.

Marissa T.

Sharon W.

Paul A.

Bobbie M

Byron O.

Right now, our Jeremiah 29 team has set a tentative date of August 29th to begin adding in-person worship. We understand that re-launching will be carefully done and each week will open up more and more. 

Something I’d like to address is the rise of Covid-19 Delta variant. Our team will closely monitor what’s happening daily and appraise you of the newest info as soon as we are able. One site we are using is the Center of Disease control Covid-19 tracker. To see one of the sources we are using, click here https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#datatracker-home

We look forward to continue to learn from you as we work toward Re-Launch. 


Pastor DJ