I'm with the DJ. 12/30/2020
I'm with the DJ
December 6, 2020 Weekly communication
What's Next?
Weekly communication from Rev.DJ
weekly communication
Federal Way UMC bulletin November 8, 2020
Unity in our diversity
Weekly email November 6, 2020
Federal Way UMC bulletin for November 1, 2020
E-note from Pastor DJ
As you are reading this message, I pray that you and your loved ones are doing well. If you have any prayer requests feels, please feel free to send those to office@fwumc.org. We want to make sure you also know about our survey. We'd love to hear your feedback and learn how you are doing. You can click this link for the survey. If you prefer to share your thoughts person to person, please contact your community group leader to share your responses over the phone.
This Monday is Indigenous Peoples day. I invite you to take the time to learn more about Indigenous Peoples day. Here are a few links to learn more for your and your loved ones (Link 1, Link 2). I’m remiss that I forgot to mention this important day during our service this Sunday.
For October 18th, we get to celebrate Laity Sunday. I want to invite you to send in a 1-2 minute video sharing how you are doing, especially regarding your faith. Please send these videos to DJ@revdj.comno later than 7pm on October 12th. If you prefer to, you can also write your reflections and email them to me. We would love to hear how you are doing. Our hope is to get as many voices sharing as possible.
We look forward to seeing you in worship this Sunday. Let us hold one another and our community in prayer together.