Weekly email 5.6.2020

Church family and friends, 

Thanks for taking the time to read our weekly email. There's a lot of exciting things happening at our church Federal Way United Methodist Church. I hope that you are enjoying the wonderful weather we've been having this week. Isn't it awesome to see the sun out? It’s fun to hear about many of you going out to your gardens, going out for walks, and a few of you have even been walking by our church. 

It's a joy to be able to connect with you in new ways. Can you believe that we've been worshipping online for over two months? While this is not our ideal way of connecting, we're all beginning to learn news ways of connecting. We have a Sunday school group that meets regularly,  Bible study groups, community groups, and friends having virtual hangouts too. Some of you have been creative in the ways that you catch up with friends and loved ones. Some folks have been meeting in parking lots; they stay in their cars catch up while keeping physically distant. We also have people sharing their skills to help our community. Some folks are making masks and giving them away. By my rough estimate, our worshipping community has made well over 1,500 masks! 

This Sunday, we will finish our series on the Gospel of Mark. We'll be taking a closer look Mark 15:40-16:8. I want to invite you to read chapters 15 and 16 in preparation for worship the Sunday. And as you are reading it, think about how different Mark's Gospel ends compared to Matthew, Luke and John. There's an abrupt ending that happens in the Gospel of Mark, and we'll be taking a look at that as we focus on the theme of disappointment and anticipation, and how these themes relate to our faith lives today.
We also want to share with you a very special announcement that Sandy Shinbo here is the video attachment.  

There's so much happening in our world right now. I hope that you join me in thanking them for the many ways that they kept blessed our church. Both Eric and Michelle will continue to serve through the end of May. It’s an honor that we have been able to worship with them and watch their family grow. They are members of our community and will always leave a wonderful imprint of their gifts to our church. If you want to send any cards, or add a monetary gift for the Rutherfords, please contact Sandy using sandyshinbo@comcast.net. The Rutherfords will continue to serve at our church through the end of May. Thank you in advance for your gifts. 

As we worship together this Sunday, we also welcome in Janine Dodd, as our interim music director. She and Eric will transition leadership over the next two weeks. Janine will be responsible for our music ministry for the next 90 days starting this Sunday We're very thankful that Janine is willing to step up and serve in this capacity and welcome her as our interim Music Director.

I also want to thank you for your continual generosity to our church. Your prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness are a blessing. You can give online using this link, or you can mail your gifts to our church address (29645 51st Ave S, Auburn, WA 98001-2321). I want to remind you that whenever you mail anything to our church; it's going to the post office in a secure location. Our wonderful administrator Sharon is checking the mail at the post office often. We also have amazing trustees and our awesome custodian James is going by our church frequently to make sure it's not only safe, but our garden area and property is being well taken care of. We have many volunteers caring for our church property and we're so grateful for each of you. 

Church family, I can't express to you how excited I am to be able to worship with you. One day soon as this pandemic season passes. We don't know when that will be, but we do know that the time will come. 

God bless you and I'll see you soon, 

Pastor DJ.

For tithes and offerings - https://bit.ly/2V2wEUd Welcome to Federal Way United Methodist Church, located in Auburn, Washington. Worship with us every Sunday...