I'm with the DJ | 10.20.22

Grace and Peace to you church family and friends,

There are so many exciting things happening in the life of our church! This weekend, after the service we will host a demonstration of turning guns into garden tools. To learn more, check out the photo I’m attaching to this post. Please note that the intention of this demonstration is to learn.

Isaiah 2:4 “He shall judge between the nations,
and shall decide disputes for many peoples;
and they shall beat their swords into plowshares,
and their spears into pruning hooks;
nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
neither shall they learn war anymore.”

The purpose of this presentation is not meant to force people to choose a side regarding gun control. As a diverse people, this is one great way of learning more together.

If you haven’t already made your pledge for 2023, you can learn more by clicking this video.

Coming up soon, you will have an opportunity to support our local community. Meredith Hill Cares gift card donation drive is something we have participated in the past several years.  Gift cards would need to be collected by Sunday, December 11th  in order for the group to distribute them before winter break.  Attached is a chart that shows how much specific dollar amounts provide to these families. There are many ways you can help at Meredith Hill.  These range from ongoing positions to one-time events.  People would need to complete a background check form before they could start. To learn more, contact the church office.