I'm with the DJ | 4.21.21

Friends and family of Federal Way UMC,

Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus. Whew, it’s been a week hasn’t it? Some of our church folk got their first or second vaccination. Others are in the middle of grieving. Still others in our church have had recent diagnosis from their doctors.  This week, I’ve been reading over Micah 6:8…

“He has told you, O mortal, what is good;

    and what does the Lord require of you

but to do justice, and to love kindness,

    and to walk humbly with your God?”

I’d like to encourage you to read this verse or another that touches your heart. With all that is happening in our world, Scripture is a great tool for grounding. 

Speaking of things happening this week.

George Floyd and Black Lives Matter

I’ve had some conversations recently with people I care about regarding why phrases like “All lives matter” can be problematic.  I’d like to share three articles that I find to be helpful in broadening my perspective as I continue to learn.

This first article provides history, context and possible responses to problematic phrases heard today.


Of course, all people are beautiful, but you have to question why people say that “black is beautiful” or “black lives matter”?’ she asks. ‘For centuries people have been taught that black people aren’t beautiful. We’re reclaiming the fact that Black bodies are beautiful and that they do matter.'


“When someone says All Lives Matter, how does that make you feel? It feels a weapon. And it may not be a consciously wielded weapon, but it is a weapon to silence, to shut up. A weapon to undermine what Black people are trying to say.” 


“This is an article from the UK that isn’t recent, but I find to be helpful to add to the conversation and depending on some, the debate.“


Preacher this Sunday

Our preacher this Sunday will be Reverend Terri Stewart.  Her sermon title is “On the Other Side of Fear: Ministry to the incarcerated and the courage to face the past” based on Exodus 3:1-12.  If you would like to support her ministry you can send any donations to  

Circle Faith Future

16544 191st PL NE

Woodinville, WA 98072


Any donation will be applied to the work that she will do with incarcerated youth.

I’ll keep you in my prayers this week.

Pastor DJ