I’m with the DJ | 4.7.23

Church friends and families,

Can you believe that Easter is a few days away? Tonight, at 7pm we will have our Good Friday service at the church. We will be live-streaming this service as well. Rev. Bruce Reyes Chow described Good Friday this way…”Our Good Friday service rests in the belief that in places of sorrow, lament, and grief we meet God differently. In our culture of conflict avoidance, we too often rush through these moments, touching down as lightly as possible as we reach out for the new life offered on Easter Sunday. In doing so, we do not give ourselves a chance to meet the God who sits with us in our sorrow. With this in mind, central to this service is creating a space where people can gather around the cross with as much vulnerability as possible in silence and in sorrow.”

I hope you take the time to join us tonight. The power and meaning of Easter is greatly enhanced when we honor the days of Holy Week. On Easter morning, we will be offering communion during both of our services this Sunday morning. Starting at 7am, we will gather by Star Lake at the Mayer house (email office@fwumc.org for their address). It’ll be a 30 minute service where we celebrate the sacrament of communion, sing songs together and I’ll share a shorter homily as the sun rises and warms us all. Be sure to bring an umbrella and a chair to be ready for any weather we might encounter.

During our 10am service, we will celebrate together! We will dig up the Hallelujah banner that was buried at the start of Lent. In addition, there will be amazing music, we will listen to the story of Jesus resurrection from the eye witness account of the Gospel of John and of course we will celebrate Holy Communion together. Something worth noting is that our furnaces aren’t working 100%, so if you tend to get a little cold, bless dress accordingly.

In addition, here’s a chance for you to join our online poll for church this Sunday. Click here to respond to our poll. I’ll share the results on Sunday.

This weekend is a perfect weekend to invite friends and family members as we celebrate the joy and love found in Jesus. See you soon!