Dear Church Friends and Families,
As we enter this weekend, we embark on the sacred season of Advent, embracing the theme 'Draw Near.' In these weeks of waiting and anticipation, we celebrate God's profound act of drawing near to us, becoming part of humanity, and experiencing the fullness of our daily lives.
During Advent, we acknowledge God's presence in the broken and scattered aspects of our existence. This journey begins with a focus on wonder, leading us onward to explore themes of Justice, Truth, and Community.
Starting this Sunday, we are delighted to offer unique, theologically-inspired coloring pages from our collaborators at Sanctified Art. Their exceptional work will be a guiding light throughout our Advent observance. Alongside these coloring pages, we will also share the artist statements and artwork from Sanctified Art, enriching our experience with their creative vision.
Join us as we journey through this meaningful season, inviting God's nearness into every aspect of our lives.
raise your head
by lauren wright pittman
inspired by luke 21:25-36
First Week of Advent
In the past, I have met this text and spiraled out in my own grief and
anxiety. Previously in my reading, these apocalyptic signs pointed
to my own smallness, fragility, and mortality, stirring up fear and
confusion. This year, however, for me these signs boldly point to the
unfathomable, overwhelming greatness of God. This text feels massive,
and it invites us into this Advent season in a thundering fashion.
Jesus says to respond to these apocalyptic signs with staggering hope
and confidence. When it feels like the very foundations of the heavens
are crumbling, we are to stand up. When the roaring sea and the waves confuse us, when the sun, moon and
stars come tumbling out of the sky, we are to raise our heads. When the news cycle feels like an endless fire
hose, people pour into the streets in protest, families are separated, and fires blaze through neighborhoods,
we are to stand up and confidently usher in and claim the redemption that God promises.
Just as the trees signal the changing of the seasons, these signs will prepare us for the coming of Christ.
Instead of getting lost in the worries of this life, stand up, raise your head, and get lost in the fact that this
expansive, infinite God is drawing near to you. Choose to get lost in wonder.
—Lauren Wright Pittman
Grace and Peace,
Pastor DJ
Here’s a quick video showing you some of the exciting things that happened at our last Abundant Grace event.
Community Engagement Survey
We would greatly appreciate it if you would take the time to fill our yearly Community Engagement Survey. This is a chance for us to listen and learn from you. In the survey, we will ask about sermons and topics that you would like to learn more about, how you get information from our church and more. Click here to fill out our quick survey.
Below is a note that was embedded in a digitize newsletter from the Greater Northwest United Methodist Conference regarding our sibling church Riverton Park UMC.
FOX 13: Urgent need for resources as more than 300 migrants seek asylum at Tukwila church
It’s been nearly one month since City of Tukwila proclaimed a state of emergency to address the surge in people. However, help from state and federal government has been slow.
Still, Riverton Park United Methodist Church is doing all it can to offer some help for over 300 asylum seekers seeking aid at the church.
Watch more of this update on the FOX 13 website.
Donate to support RPUMC’s hospitality of asylum-seeking migrants
Are you looking for a way to partner with our sibling school Meredith Hill Elementary to support children and their families from our community?
Adopt a Family for Christmas!
Would you like support Here’s how you can make their holidays a little brighter:
Go to link
Make online donation (see chart below).
Complete by Sunday, December 10th.
The Meredith Hill Cares organization reviews applications from families and grants gift cards to as many as possible. Throughout last year they assisted 15 families.
Thank you for reaching out in love to members of our community!
What your donation can do:
$30 sponsors groceries for one person
$60 sponsors groceries for two people
$120 sponsors groceries for a family of four
$25 sponsors a need or gift for one child
$50 sponsors a need or gift for two children
emergency support of $150 for each family member up to $750 as needed throughout the year