The Third Sunday of Advent – Do the Good That Is Yours to Do
Advent is a season of reflection and preparation, but it’s also a call to action. As we prepare for the arrival of Christ, we’re invited to examine our lives and ask: What, then, should we do?
That’s the same question the crowds, tax collectors, and soldiers asked John the Baptist as he preached about bearing good fruit. His responses were tailored to their specific roles, but his message was the same: Do the good that is yours to do.
Each of us has a part to play in building God’s kingdom. Each of us has opportunities, unique to our lives, to bear good fruit through acts of justice, compassion, and righteousness. Isaiah reminds us that we can be “repairers of the breach,” people who help mend what is broken by meeting the needs of those who are hurting.
You’re Invited
This Sunday, we’ll reflect on what it means to “do the good that is ours to do.” What are the specific ways God is calling you to make a difference in your community, in your relationships, and in the world?
Come and join us as we explore the stories of John the Baptist and the prophet Isaiah. Together, we’ll find inspiration and encouragement to step into this Advent season as repairers of the breach—people who bring healing, justice, and love to a world in need.
Advent is not just about waiting; it’s about participating in God’s work of restoration. There’s good work to be done, and we are all invited to play a part. Let’s begin together this Sunday.
Pastor of Community Engagement Corner
So it has been about two and a half months since I was given the privilege to join FWUMC as a staff member. Even with the challenges of moving and learning to be staff at our church I want to thank you for being incredibly supportive during my time of adjustment into this new role as your Pastor of Community Engagement!
During my time so far I have gotten involved with the outward facing ministries of our church especially the Abundant Grace Free Market Event as well as the Food for Families partnership that we got going on with Meredith Hill Elementary.
This past Saturday both of those ministries to the community came together as we hosted an Abundant Grace Free Market Event for the families that we help out over at Meredith Hill. This event would not have been possible without your generosity and also the mad skills of Michelle Thompson and her team👍Thank you y’all!
The event was awesome! Part of what made Saturday’s event great was the fact that Meredith Hill families that we have been supporting through weekly grocery donations got to come to our church and experience your generosity as they were able to do their holiday shopping for free. Another part of what made Saturday's event special was that we got to meet in person some of the families that we have been helping out.
I had the privilege of meeting all the families that came through on Saturday. Many of them were Hispanic so I got the opportunity to practice my Spanish--which was a delight. As I talked to many of the families I would constantly hear people who were moved by the generosity they were witnessing. This made me so proud to be your pastor! One of my favorite things that I got to do on Saturday was to race Hotwheels with Alexander while his parents shopped at the free market.
Saturday was a memorable day for me not only because of the Abundant Grace Free Market Event but because after the event at church ended I went down to the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma to join an advocacy group called La Resistencia. La Resistencia is an organization that does immigrant justice advocacy. I went down to join them in the work of advocacy in order to bring attention to the inhumane treatment migrants are receiving at the detention center.
When I was outside of the detention center I had a moment of clarity. I realized that whether I am racing Hotwheels with 5 year olds or I am outside a detention center joining community organizers who are doing immigrant rights advocacyI see all of this work as me simply trying to live out the abundant life that I have found in the Gospel (John 10:10) in ways that make God’s love and grace tangible to people. I am so grateful that I get to do this work of ministry alongside you and I am so honored to be your pastor!
(By the way, here is a picture of the book Black Liturgies. This is the book that I have been using on Sundays for prayers of the people.)
Pastor Caleb
And as we look forward to 2025, please remember to turn in your generosity cards. Your generosity makes everything we do together possible, supporting the ministries that help us to be a beacon of love, hope, and respect in our community.
Thank you to the many people who helped to fill our Food Pantry this week.
Whether you join us in person or online, we look forward to worshiping with you this weekend.
In grace and peace,
Pastor DJ