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I'm with the DJ | March 3, 2021

“If there is one truth in my life

That unfolds again and again,

It is the need to listen.

Church family,

I hope that you are enjoying the lovely weather today. For worship this Sunday, we will be focusing on John 2:13-22. Here are some guiding questions for worship. 

  • In John 2, what exactly is Jesus revolting against?

  • Is he protesting the fact that commerce is taking place within the temple, trying to keep that space sacred and pure?

  • Is he protesting the context and manner in which the commerce is taking place—during the Passover when fellow Jews should be preparing for the feast, as a means to counterfeit the poor and the foreigner, as a way to increase profits for the Temple?

  • Where do you see modern day examples of corrupt and abusive commerce?

If you can, read Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity’s artist statement for her piece, “Overturn.”7 Then read the public letter addressed to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., written by eight white clergymen in Alabama (published April 12, 1963). Then read Dr. King’s famous response, “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” You can read both letters here: LUTHER_KING_JR..pdf 

After you read these items, consider: 

  • In these letters, who do you identify with most?

  • What arguments convince you and what arguments convict you?
    Where is your community or church upholding white supremacy and systems of oppression?

  • What tables need to be turned?

  • What assumptions, beliefs, or practices need to be upended?
    In their letter, the white clergy write: “We further strongly urge our own Negro community to withdraw support from these demonstrations, and to unite locally in working peacefully for a better Birmingham.” Where do you see similar calls for peace and unity used to silence the oppressed and stall movements for liberation?

  • Where is the Spirit overturning oppression—swiftly, perhaps with destruction and chaos?

 This Sunday, we will also be sharing more information about UMCOR. Please take a look at our bulletin for more information. You can access the weekly bulletin on our website or ask for a copy to be mailed to your home

Peace be with you, 

Pastor DJ