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I'm with the DJ | 6.16.22

Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,

For many students in our surrounding school districts, they are finishing their academic school years. With this time of transition, please keep parents, guardians and students in your prayers through this time of shifting to Summer. We are all in a wonderful season where we anticipate warmer weather and sunny days ahead. Weeks of working in your gardens are beginning to pay off (or not) as flowers, fruit and vegetable flourish.

This Sunday we will continue our sermon series on the Holy Trinity by focusing on God the Father. It is also Fathers day, a time to celebrate persons in our lives who are positive influences. For some people in our community, this is a time of remembering father-like figures who weren’t as wonderful as we hoped. For others, this may be a time of remembering fathers who were influential in your lives, but are no longer with us here on earth.

The picture I’ve attached to this blog post is from Whidbey Island when I officiated a wedding recently. One morning, I went for a walk to get fresh air. As I turned around, I saw this eagle watching me quietly and carefully. In the few moments I had with this beautiful creature, I was in awe of God’s creation. I pray that this week, you experience God’s creation in a new and wonderful way.

Please know that I continue to hold you and your loved ones in my prayers. I look forward to seeing you online or in person this weekend.

Pastor DJ