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I'm with the DJ

This Sunday

Don’t forget that we will be celebrating Ann M’s 10+ years of ministry serving at our church at the end of our service and afterwards. I hope that you are able to join us as we celebrate together.

Amy-Jill Levine online study

We are off to a great start with our weekly study of Amy-Jill Levine’s book “The difficult words of Jesus”. If you are interested in joining us on Mondays at noon, please let me know.

Jars for Jamaa Letu

Jars for Jamaa Letu is a way to support the two orphanages in the Congo which our church helps fund.  The money goes to support the operating expenses, including food, shelter, clothing, school fees, medical care and salaries for the staff.

A colorful label for JARS will be available this Sunday.  Tape it to your own jar and collect cash from now until mid-June.  Or, make a donation in the offering plate or on the website.