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I’m with the DJ | Weekly vlog 1.14.22

Welcome to my weekly vlog. This week I include a beautiful prayer from Rev. Brian Wood.

(Our prayers for the congregation)
Owen Heitman, Jessie Nielson, Bob Wisenburg, and Joe, a friend of Sallie Igou.
We pray for all members of the congregation, as we are isolated, relying on and grateful to those with the technical knowledge and skills to unite us in worship as we remember names and faces and remind ourselves of friends including Molly Cummings Amy Olsen, Trudy Otis, and Annette Tabor. We ask you to strengthen those for whom the holidays have been a time of anxiety and stress, and comfort those touched by grief over loved ones who have died
And we remember those who will celebrate birthdays, praying they will be surrounded in love and joy,
Jim Gee, David Fanning Shy Jansen, Kristi Belcetto, Margaret Race, and Alyssa Belcetto
God of unlimited love,
It’s seems so hard to challenge the Power, authority, control, which govern our lives
Care, compassion, gentleness and kindness are considered weak
We may not welcome strangers, open borders, lift the poor, feed the hungry, shelter the houseless, or heal the hurts of our world.
For fed and housed and healed the powerless may turn on us, and take from us what we have long denied them.
If there is no law which says we may not love, or care, or call for peace
No reason not to heal the sick or raise the fallen
Why is it so difficult to care
To draw compassion from our friends
To have the armed lay weapons down and trust they will not come to harm
For sharing with another human friend what each one needs of care and love
Not love in sentimental guise
But love, determined, wise, steadfast,
Which says, no matter what our faults
A loving God embraces us
Will not abandon us
Help us to trust these gifts of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. and in confidence reach to the world to build its justice, inclusion, compassion, care
In Christ’s name and guided by your Holy Spirit,
as we pray together:
The Lord’s Praye…”