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I’m with the DJ

Last Sunday

What a wonderful Sunday this past week with our guest Ms. Katherine Parker! Ms. Parker shared some of the missions work she does with the people of Nepal. If you would like to watch last weeks service, you can use this link.

If you would like to know more about our global missionary partners, particularly Ms. Katherine’s work, click here.

Coming up

This Saturday on June 17th, we will celebrate the beautiful life of a beloved member Jan Crews. The service will begin at 1 pm. We plan to livestream her service via YouTube. You can use the link here.

Following the service, I will be going on my planed personal leave. Our church planter and community developer Caleb will be preaching and serving as pastoral care through July 13th. Rev. Brian will preach the 16th.

During this time, I’ll be taking a break from these weekly e-notes as well. As always, if you receive an email claiming to be from me or someone from the church asking for money or gift cards in any way that seems secretive or unethical, please call the church office to confirm.

Local Outreach Opportunity

Adventure Camp @ the Fusion Family Center – August 14 – 18, 9:30 – 1:30

A note from Michelle Thompson

We have been invited to partner with several churches in Federal Way to put together a week of day camp for the children living at the Fusion Family Center which is an emergency family shelter in Federal Way. There will be many opportunities to volunteer to donate/prepare/serve food, lead a small group, donate/prepare craft items or help lead an activity station. More specific information to come but I wanted to get it on your radar and your calendar! It’s a mission trip right in our own backyard!!

Please contact Michelle Thompson if you would like to know more or want to volunteer

Generosity update

Thanks for Supporting Meredith Hill Elementary (an update from our partners at Meredith HIll)

This year our church has helped Meredith Hill Elementary in multiple ways:

  • Food4Families

    • shopped, bagged and delivered meals for 16 families weekly

    • provided additional food, gift cards and clothing to one family who had a house fire and needed some emergency assistance

    • partnered with school on two very fruitful food drives that helped offset the cost of groceries

  • purchased gift cards during the holidays for distribution to families through Meredith Hill Cares

  • a member volunteered weekly in a second grade classroom

  • bought socks and underwear for students in need of a change of clothes during the school day

  • provided morning treats for teachers during student led conferences during the month of March

  • prayed and provided help for a teacher battling brain cancer

Our partnership with this local elementary school makes a difference in the lives of students, staff, and families.  Thank you for reaching out in love to these members of our immediate community!


South King County Tools is a great resource for lending tools, learning more about how to do diy home repair and more. We hosted a table for them not long ago, if you want to learn more, click here.

Peace be with you church,

Pastor DJ