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I’m with the DJ

Sunday worship

This Sunday, one of our groups the United Women in Faith (formerly United Methodist Women) will be leading us in worship. If you would like to learn more about the UWiF, use this link. Our organist Rev. Jan Skaggs will be the guest preacher for us. Jan serves as the organist of our church.

White Allyship: What It Means to Be an Antiracist Ally

The United Methodist Commission on Religion and Race is hosting a webinar on May 17th. For those interested in leaning more about how to be an antiracist ally click here.

Food for thought

I mentioned last Sunday, “How to feng shui your fridge -- and other happy climate hacks”. Here is a link to the great Ted Talk.

Want to be in a book study with me?

Recently I mentioned that I plan on offering an online study based off of Amy Jill-Levine’s book “The Difficult Words of Jesus: A beginners guide to His most perplexing teachings”. If you are interested in joining this study, will you please sign up here? Our 5 week study will begin the first week of May.

Faith in Action

I’m on Faith Action Networks email list and they sent me something that may be interesting to you. I’m copying what they wrote below.

“Stand with Airport Workers

You are invited to stand in solidarity with airport workers this week on Thursday, April 27, at 12:30pm at Gate 00 at SeaTac airport. We have just celebrated a month of sacred days — Eid and Ramadan, Passover, Easter, Vaisakhi Day, Buddha's birthday, and more. Let's move our faith into action with our friends at SEIU 6 this Thursday. Their monthly meeting will include prayers from faith traditions their workers belong to, as they organize for adequate healthcare coverage.

Learn more about the Healthcare for SeaTac Airport Workers campaign. Sign their petition here. And let us know if you can show up this Thursday 4/27 at SeaTac airport at 12:30pm.”

Peace be with you church,

Pastor DJ