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I’m with the DJ | follow up from worship this morning

Updated links to sign up for my book study

Several folks mentioned at church this morning that the link to sign up for my zoom study wasn’t working. I’ve created a new signup form. If you experience any issues, please email me. My plan is to have sign ups through the first week of May. Then, I’ll email folks who signed up with a few options that works best us all to have a weekly study. The online study will be based off of Amy Jill-Levine’s book “The Difficult Words of Jesus: A beginners guide to His most perplexing teachings”. If you are interested in joining this study, will you please use this updated sign up?

Native American Ministries Sunday

I’m remiss that I failed to acknowledge that today is Native American Ministries Sunday. From their website you can read “What is Native American Ministries Sunday?

Native American Ministries Sunday serves to remind United Methodists of the gifts and contributions made by Native Americans to our society. A gap in knowledge exists in The United Methodist Church, in congregations and other United Methodist entities, relative to comprehending concepts of Native American life, cultures, languages, spirit, values, contemporary issues, and such. We affirm the sacredness of American Indian people, their languages, cultures, and gifts to the church and the world.

An offering is taken on this Special Sunday to support vital ministries and churches in the Native American communities and allow The United Methodist Church to partner with existing native ministries to develop new programs on behalf of Native Americans.”

To learn more or to give please use this link.

Book recommendations from my sermon today

I mentioned this during my sermon today. “My friend and colleague Jeremy Smith has an excellent blog . One of his posts from years ago is fantastic in the ways he explains the varieties of atonement theologies. Here’s the link if you are interested in reading more. There are many theologians and scholars who have written excellent works about the significance of the Jesus death and ressurection. Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan wrote “the Last Week, What the Gospels really teach about Jesus Final Days in Jerusalem”. Rita Nakashima Brock and Rebecca Ann Parker wrote an excellent book “Proverbs of Ashes : Violence, Redemptive Suffering, and the Search for What Saves Us” also. “