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I’m with the DJ

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This Sunday

We continue our series learning more about Jesus teachings as we dive into Matthew 13:1-9. After the service, our Single Board Discernment team will host a community conversation in the sanctuary for those interest in learning more about our discernment process for possibly moving toward a single board governing model. Questions and comments are most welcome!

Last Sunday

I shared a poem during my sermon. Here is a copy of what I wrote entitled, Blessing for Sabbath by Christine Valters Paintner

Sanctifier of holy rest,

on the seventh day you paused,



                  the work

                                of creation

and entered into sacred stillness.

Let us remember we were freed from slavery

in Egypt and you continue to call us

to be people of liberation.

Kindle in us the strength to say no

to a world of perpetual busyness.

Inspire us to set aside our plans

and goals to receive the lavish gift

of rest for ourselves,

to rediscover the Paradise within.

Let the Sabbath be a time of profound renewal,

a gushing forth of the holy well,

a time of intimate connection with You,

and a rekindling of our sacred desires to be of service.

Sustain in us the desire to simply be

and not succumb to the demands

of productivity and an endless string of achievements.

Let our lives be a loving witness to a world

of restoration and refreshment,

of the profound goodness of joy and delight,

taking pleasure in the generous gift of pausing.

I also mentioned a book written by Walter Brueggemann “Sabbath as Resistance: Saying No to the Culture of Now”