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I’m with the DJ

God is awesome

What a blessing September 16th was! Our Abundant Grace free parking lot event was a smashing success. Here’s a quick video to give you a snippet of our time. Our next event will be Christmas themed. It’ll happen at our church on November 18th.

Furthermore, mark your calendars for our upcoming membership class, scheduled for this Sunday, September 24th right after the church service. If you're keen on discovering more about this class, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at

Religion and Race: Hispanic Heritage Month infographic available

The General Commission on Religion and Race (GCORR) has created a free, downloadable infographic to help churches observe Hispanic Heritage Month from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15. The graphic also contains recommended reading and suggestions for ways to celebrate. 

Hispanic Heritage Month

One way that you can celebrate Hispanic Heritage month with us is to donate toiletries that are needed one of our sibling faith communities in Mt. Vernon. We have a Hispanic speaking community that is in need of support. Below is a list of items that are needed. We will have a donation box available near the welcome table through Oct. 15th. For any further questions, please contact Caleb during church. Any full sized items of these will be greatly appreciated.

1. Toilet Paper

2. Paper Towels

3. Laundry Detergent

4. Fabric Softener

5. Dish Soap

6. Kitchen Cleaning Supplies (like multi-purpose spray, dish washing brushes/scrubbers, and sponges)

7. Bathroom Cleaning Supplies (like tub/tile/shower spray, toilet bowl cleaner)

8. Toothpaste

9. Body Wash

10. Menstrual Hygiene Products

11. Diapers

Single Board Governance update

The Discernment Team spent the afternoon of August 20th listening to concerns and questions regarding the formation of a Single Board.  We thank you for your valuable input and will be looking to hold Community Conversations on a regular occurrence.  The team met Tuesday to discuss what we heard at the listening session.  Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) issues will be addressed by forming a care group for staff separate from the "Board."  Additionally, Pastor and SPRC Chair, Sandy Shinbo, will meet with staff next week to review any concerns and discuss how the new structure will work.  Other issues will be incorporated into the organizational chart and Responsibilities Matrix.  We plan to hold another session after Worship Service on September 17th.  This will be to gather any final feedback prior to presenting to Church Council for approval.

Don’t forget that our All Church Conference is October 25th @7pm.

What is a charge conference? “Charge Conference: Annual meeting of a church where officers are elected for the coming year. It also receives reports, reviews and evaluates the total mission and ministry of the congregation, and adopts objectives and goals recommended by the administrative council, or the Administrative Board. It also recommends candidates for the ordained and diaconal ministry to the District Committee on Ordained Ministry or to the Conference Board of Diaconal Ministry. Members of the Administrative Council, or Board, are members of the Charge Conference. The district superintendent calls the meeting and presides over it. Anyone may attend the meeting.”

To learn more terms and glossaries, click here.