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I’m with the DJ

Church family,

I hope and pray that you and your loved ones are doing well. This weekend marks an exciting time for us at Federal Way United Methodist Church as we welcome and covenant with three new church members. Jenn and Tommy W. will join us as new members, and we have the joy of meeting their son as well! They started worshiping with us online and have recently begun attending in person. Philip will also become a part of our church family, and he brings with him a beautiful story of calling, love, and life.

In addition to welcoming new members, we will continue our sermon series titled "Inspire Generosity" by delving deeper into the Gospel of Luke, chapter 19. In the first ten verses, we discover Zach's interaction with Jesus. I encourage you to read all of Chapter 18 and 19 in preparation for our worship time together.

If you haven't had the opportunity to fill out your commitment card for 2024, I invite you to do so. At our church, we believe that generosity manifests in five main ways: our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. Ideally, each one of us participates in generosity in all five ways, recognizing that there are seasons in our lives when we may emphasize one or more of these over others. Rest assured, God honors all that we offer.

I eagerly anticipate seeing you either online or in person this weekend!

Riverton Park UMC

Last Sunday, I mentioned one of our sister churches Riverton Park UMC in the news. Here’s a link to the Seattle Times article I mentioned.

This Sunday, we will continue our dive into our Inspire Generosity series as we study Luke 14:28-33. We will also be taking a closer look at Discipleship through theologian and author Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s perspective from his book Discipleship.

Melinda Z’s memorial service

We have set the date for Melinda’s service for November 24th at 2pm.

Supporting our Hispanic Ministries

One way that you can celebrate Hispanic Heritage month with us is to donate toiletries that are needed one of our sibling faith communities in Mt. Vernon. We have a Hispanic speaking community that is in need of support. Below is a list of items that are needed. We will have a donation box available near the welcome table through Oct. 15th. For any further questions, please contact Caleb during church. Any full sized items of these will be greatly appreciated.

1. Toilet Paper

2. Paper Towels

3. Laundry Detergent

4. Fabric Softener

5. Dish Soap

6. Kitchen Cleaning Supplies (like multi-purpose spray, dish washing brushes/scrubbers, and sponges)

7. Bathroom Cleaning Supplies (like tub/tile/shower spray, toilet bowl cleaner)

8. Toothpaste

9. Body Wash

10. Menstrual Hygiene Products

11. Diapers

Don’t forget that our All Church Conference is October 25th @7pm.

What is a charge conference? “Charge Conference: Annual meeting of a church where officers are elected for the coming year. It also receives reports, reviews and evaluates the total mission and ministry of the congregation, and adopts objectives and goals recommended by the administrative council, or the Administrative Board. It also recommends candidates for the ordained and diaconal ministry to the District Committee on Ordained Ministry or to the Conference Board of Diaconal Ministry. Members of the Administrative Council, or Board, are members of the Charge Conference. The district superintendent calls the meeting and presides over it. Anyone may attend the meeting.”

To learn more terms and glossaries, click here.