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I’m with the DJ | 8.25.21

Friends and family of Federal Way UMC, 

In the past week, many of the conversations I’ve had with people in our community focuses on the effects and deaths of people who have Covid-19. One of our sister churches, Browns Point UMC has very recently shifted to all pre-recorded worship. Our re-opening team, Jeremiah 29, continues to meet regularly debating, discussing and praying over the ways we can help people connect with God in safe ways. I really wish that I could write to you and tell you exactly when we will add in person worship. More importantly, I pray for wisdom to know how to guide our church and serve our community well. If you want to know more about our plan for adding in person worship, please click here.

Something exciting that we will be trying will be the first Sunday in September. On September 5th, we will continue to livestream our worship service at 10am. In addition, we are trying something new to kick off our Fall ministries. For this special Sunday, we will provide an outdoor, physically distant time of worship and gathering. Please bring your own chairs and I recommend that you wear masks as well. You are also welcome to provide your own sacred communion elements, we will provide pre-packaged communion elements as well. 

The service will last no longer than 45 minutes and we hope that you stick around to connect with our community as well. If you are high risk, unvaccinated or would rather worship with us online, please use our regular YouTube account to connect with us. 

In other news, founding members of our church Tom and Jan Crews will be moving full time to Arizona very soon. The Crews have been integral church members, disciples and servant leaders of our church for a long time. In the coming months, please know that we will be providing a time of formal blessing and gathering to celebrate their time with our church family. I hope you join me in thanking them and praying for their safe travels. 

Pastor DJ