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I'm with the DJ | 7.28.21

Church family and friends, 

I pray that you and your loved ones are doing well. For those with students living in their house, we are in full summer mode. My kids are enjoying fishing, tennis and riding bikes. Similar to last summer, this is a season of sun, joy and anticipation. For many of us, we are holding our breath to re-launch in person worship at our church. Recently, we’ve surveyed people connected to our church and I’m excited to share some of the results with you over the next several weeks. One question we asked was, “what are you looking forward to when we re-launch in person worship?” Here is a word cloud of your responses. The larger the word, the more people clicked the same response. 


Something we are learning from you and our community is that providing more opportunities to gather together in safe socially distant ways is one of our key priorities. Our leadership group, Church Council has appointed a smaller group to focus on re-launching in person worship. Our team is based off of Jeremiah 29:11-12.

"11 For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. 12 Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you.” (New Revised Standard Version)

If you have any questions or feedback please email Here is a list of our team members…

Pastor DJ

Sandy S.

Janine D.

Ann M.

Marissa T.

Sharon W.

Paul A.

Bobbie M

Byron O.

Right now, our Jeremiah 29 team has set a tentative date of August 29th to begin adding in-person worship. We understand that re-launching will be carefully done and each week will open up more and more. 

Something I’d like to address is the rise of Covid-19 Delta variant. Our team will closely monitor what’s happening daily and appraise you of the newest info as soon as we are able. One site we are using is the Center of Disease control Covid-19 tracker. To see one of the sources we are using, click here

We look forward to continue to learn from you as we work toward Re-Launch. 


Pastor DJ