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I'm with the DJ

Pentecost this Sunday

This Sunday we get to celebrate Pentecost. I want to encourage you to read Acts 1-2 to prepare for worship this Sunday. As you do, take some time to consider moments in your life when you gathered in large groups. What did you experience? How did if feel to be in a large gathering? Famed author Brene Brown worked on a project with The RSA defining Empathy and Sympathy. Here’s a link to a short video that is profound.

Amy-Jill Levine online study

We are off to a great start with our weekly study of Amy-Jill Levine’s book “The difficult words of Jesus”. If you are interested in joining us on Mondays at noon, please let me know.

Katherine Parker on June 11th

In just a few short weeks, missionary partner Katherine Parker will be our guest preacher. It’s a special gift that she’ll be itinerating our way. She will also stay after the service for a short while so we can deepen our conversation.

Bishop Bridgeforth

Our Bishop was recently installed as a newly appointment Bishop of the Greater Northwest Conference in Alaska. He preached a great sermon.I want to encourage you to watch his sermon, you can watch it by clicking here. If you want to learn more about Bishop Bridgeforth, please visit