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I’m with the DJ


On June 17th, our church will host a memorial service for one of our longtime members, Jan Crews. The service will begin at 1 pm. We plan to livestream her service via YouTube. You can use the link here.

This week

This Sunday, our missionary partner, Katherine Parker, will be our guest preacher. It is a special gift that she will be visiting us. After the service, she will stay for a short while to deepen our conversation. If you would like to learn more about Katherine's work, you can click here.

Please also remember that we are still collecting "Jars for Jamaa Letu." This is an easy way to support the two orphanages in the Congo that our church helps fund. The money collected goes towards supporting operating expenses, including food, shelter, clothing, school fees, medical care, and staff salaries. Colorful labels for the jars are still available each Sunday. Please tape them to your own jar and collect cash until mid-June. Alternatively, you can make a donation in the offering plate or on the website.

Coming up

On June 17th, our church will host a memorial service for one of our longtime members, Jan Crews. The service will begin at 1 pm. We plan to livestream her service via YouTube. You can use the link here.

In July, we have a special guest coming. The author of "A Front Porch for All People" will join us as a guest preacher and for further conversation after the service on July 23rd. For those interested, I have included a picture of his book below.

Thanks for Supporting Meredith Hill Elementary

This year our church has helped Meredith Hill Elementary in multiple ways:

*provided meals for 17 families weekly through the Food Backpack Program (is this the correct name of the program?)

*purchased gift cards for distribution to families through Meredith Hill Cares

*a member volunteered weekly in a second grade classroom

*bought socks and underwear for students in need of a change of clothes during the school day

*provided morning treats for teachers during student led conferences during the month of March

*prayed and provided help for a teacher battling brain cancer

Our partnership with this local elementary school makes a difference in the lives of students, staff, and families.  Thank you for reaching out in love to these members of our immediate community!