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Weekly Email

Church family and friends, 

Grace and peace to you. I hope that you and your loved ones are staying safe in this pandemic season. This weekend is a special one for our church. It’s the Rutherford families last Sunday with us before they move for Eric’s new job. I hope you join us in celebrating their ministry and saying goodbye.

We will also begin a new sermon series called “Enough”. We will begin by celebrating Pentecost. Pentecost means “fifty.” Originally, Jewish people would have gathered fifty days after Passover to celebrate the wheat harvest. Today, Christians celebrate Pentecost fifty days after Easter to celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit to the early believers.

If you want to get a head start on the weekend, please read the first two chapters of Acts. Our time will specifically focus on Acts chapter 2. The start of the Church after Jesus Ressurection feels very appropriate for what’s happening in our world. In light of all that is happening, we are in uncharted territory and have an opportunity to deepen our discipleship as followers of Jesus. 

Please keep Minneapolis in your prayers as they continue to struggle in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death. if you would like to learn more about Floyd’s death, please search for it online or you an check out my Facebook page for some responses from clergy I respect dearly.

I look forward to worshipping with you this weekend.

Grace and peace, 

Pastor DJ