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I’m with the DJ | 6.3.21

Friends and family of Federal Way UMC, 

This Sunday is the first Sunday of the month. That means that we get to celebrate the sacrament of communion together! Communion is a way to remind ourselves and one another that God’s love through Jesus is for all of humankind. I invite you to prepare elements that are sacred for you this weekend. In addition, it’s Peace with Justice Sunday. To learn more about this special Sunday, click here.

Also, with Summer drawing closer, we want to remind you that we will continue to be providing worship online Sundays at 10am. I want to encourage you to subscribe to our YouTube account too.

In addition, I’m excited to share with you that our Church Council has created a team to help plan and prepare our church to slowly begin the process of adding live worship again.

I’m calling our team Jeremiah 29.  

For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you.

This Scripture feels appropriate for the task that is ahead of both our church and churches in general. Our team will be meeting regularly and our goal is to communicate regularly as well. We begin our work the second week of June. I’m guessing that you may have concerns, comments, and questions for us as we begin to think through all the work entailed in a slow opening over the next year. If so, please feel free to email our group

We are here to serve our community and take our work seriously. 

Here is a list of our team below… 

Pastor  - Rev.DJ

Finance - Barney Osborne

Trustees - Paul Arms

SPRC - Sandy Shinbo

Worship team - Janine Dodd

Welcoming team - Bobbie Mowery

Children’s - Ann Mayer

Youth - Marissa Thompson

Admin - Sharon Wisenburg 

Lay Leader - Ed Shinbo

Peace be with you church, 

Pastor DJ